i duno man...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Az, thank you for the entry for me. :) Makes me feel lil bit better.
I duno lah babe. I really feel like shit sometimes. At 24, i'm still doin my Diploma and fucklah. Still repeat 1 year when i'm not supposed to be doing that.. *sigh*
And yes, it is just a piece of paper which you say so...but still, at the end of the day. Urs is a degree n mine, a dip. Aaaaargh! I think i'm just being emo elmo like wat Chels said. Hahaha! And Didi will go..."Stop being EMO!" Hahahha...
Btw Az, yeah i do have money to spend coz i have learnt that wealth is meant to be shared and not keep for ur own self-use. But then again, i have to work like everyday so that i do have that kinda money. and trust me, what i do is not that easy. Most people at the hotel thinks i'm some girl with no education and all...you know like those minahs who work their ass off in odd jobs? Yeah. They think i am that kinda girl. It sux sometimes when people have that kinda perception of me. But on the bright side, they love me...heheh.. coZ i am that super friendly and smily girl at the hotel that talks to everyone!! hahaha.! there is this Indian girl whom i think is pretty. Really. But she is just so arrogant that no one likes her. Even the Houseman, Deva. I was wif him when she passed by and i gave the thumbs up to Deva but he said "Nolah! Kau lagi bagus!" Dia sombong! hehehe... it made me feel unique coz even though i dun have the looks and status, people like me because i dun judge people.. hehehe!! this is my "Isi Bakul Angkat Sendirik" moment or wat Soopy n me would call IBAS. hehehe!
Its my 4th Herbalife Day. I finished my shakes and supposed to meet Titer today. But well, have to do it tomorrow because i have sooo many things to do. for school tomorrow. 2nd week. 12 more weeks to go!! I'm SERIOUSLY counting down till the day i am OVER and DONE wif School!! It sux coz i am paired up with this annoying in-crowd,skinny, skimpy-clad SMALL girl called Sylvia. I tell u babes what she has done in time to come. Say, tomorrow, IF she annoys me again! In which i bet she will!!! :)
I'm going Herbalife main office tomorrow for my meet up with titer. I'm doing this for real now! Seriously. So babes, again, i hope i'll receive ur full support. Maybe then, this might be one of the things that can make feel so not useless. I guess. So...i'm off now wif the many things to prep:
1. Iron : a. Chef's Jacket, the collar, the sleeve
b. Chef's Hat
c. Chef's Apron
d. Chef's Pants
e. Chef's Necktie (to fold and ironed)
f. Chef's Trouchon. or watever cloth.
2. Read up on the last week's topic and find a notebook to rewrite watever i've learnt.
3. Clean safety boots
4. Get a clean pair of socks
5. Prepare everything for tomorrow.
6. Clean room again. (forever say EL)
And i'm done for the evening i guess.
Thank you again Az... pinjam Aezim? HAHHAHAHH!!!
Btw Chels, thanks fer ur comments. I guess i have to take one day at a time. :)
yes you are good in finding my blog! awesome!!! i duno how u did that man! heheh
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I had wanted to sleep right after blogging but well, my hands are pretty itchy and well, i clicked on links here and there...blogs here and there, read up celebs blogs and their friends and all. I'm truly, truly envious of their lives. To name a few, Nurul Aini and Norfasarie. They led a colourful and super thrilling life when compared to mine which is lame and lifeless. I have to work my ass off to earn a meagre salary. Its not that i am not thankful. Its just pure envy. *sigh*
When will i ever have that kind of compelling lifestyle?
I bet i won't.
I feel I'm so worthless when i'm with my babes. or the small circle of friends, in fact.
Mai is successful with a great career with NTUC Income, possessing a car license, a family car, a bike license, a bike.
Az, though unemployed at the moment, has a DEGREE which can bring her places! And recently, passed her car license. And did i mention a loving, awesome boyfriend?
Didi has her Degree which can bring her places as well. With her humble nature, i believe she'll nail a satisfying great job someday.
Kama, recently got a full-time job: A receptionist at the main office of the main malls at the East Side. She looks really like kakak2, successful and all.
Chelsea is like earning 2500++ every month, with a boyfriend who loves her unconditionally.
With both earning that much money... they have here and there to splurge.
Titer is very2 happy with her full-time Herbalife, helping people and herself too.
With TD, a great husband and an intelligent kid, wats not to envy?
T.Kemp, tho has his fairshare of woes, he has a great family. With his personality and very2, very2 unselfish nature, I am very sure someday, God will repay him well. Insya'allah.
ME? *sigh*
I feel
useless now.
Just reach home from work. Its the 3rd day that i am taking the Herbalife shake and tea. I feel really2 tired and lethargic and my gums are hurtin again just like how they hurt the previous tym i took the products. But titer told me it is all part of the journey. Its called
retracing. It is actually the effects of the products detoxifying your body. So all ur ailments will come out. Some ppl even have flu and all.
NO PAIN NO GAIN.And so i will persevere. I will discipline my self. I will withstand the pain no matter how tormenting it is. I want to have healthy glowing skin. Its not that i wanna be pretty. i know that i am not. truly. i just wanna have a healthy body. i do not want to complain about backaches anymore. and
I HATE IT WHEN PPL COMMENT ABOUT MY UGLY EYES!!!As much as i try to swallow and ignore, I just can't. It hurts.
So, i wanna stop all that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope u babes can give me ur greatest support.
I know TK n TB can... Love u guys!!
I met up wif Kama and Chelz ytd and i got my Bdae pressies!!!!
hahha...yeah.. very late presents. But nonetheless.
i got a
guide book on DSLR camera!!!! super awesome.
and a mug! that says
"I do whatever the little voices tell me to do"Thanks dearies..
On Monday, Deepavali, i met up with my Babes for a movie.
F**K lah!!! waste money only. I rather watch High School Musical all over again.
Mai, U Suck!!! Ryte Didi? HSM3 rawks!! i feel like a 14 year old. Gosh! hahaha..
Aniwaes, Babe, if ur reading this...u'll know its fer ya.
I have said tym and again that U DESERVE BETA.
It hurts me to see u like this when i know u can do 10 times BETA.
I am truly angry. U know, i have really run out of options to make u realise that.
But u insist that He's the one, insist that u cannot look elsewhere.
So what can i do? I just have to be.....i duno man... happy? I am not.
It hurts me. I know u dun listen to anyone. So if listening to UR heart gives u all this.
I think its high time u listen to ur BRAIN which is i STRONGLY believe is zillion times intelligent than mine. But fer now, i HAVE to be happy for you even though i duno for watever fuck reason.
p.s. : Soopy, i cant wait to see ur Rihanna-like hairdo. HAHHAHHAHH!!!
I miss u H. funny how i always have. but u keep running away.
He is gawd damn f**in tall!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Yeah Mai Darling...
He is very, very tall.
He doesnt lie bout anitin.
Honest dude.
yeah. I look like a midget and feel like one walkin beside him.
That super tall man.
N when i take pic wif him, i cant attempt to hold the cam like how WE always take photo.
He has to like really bend down and that makes me so degradin and makes him very awkward.
He is THAT tall!
Thus thats where the help of my super cute mini tripod comes in. :)
So yeah. Movie it is.
After my work aite? I have to feed my anak binik at home. They are starvin. hehehehhe..
So c ya babe!!!
Miss ya. truly. *bluek*
Btw, i met Didi at the open house. Haiyo. The makcik ar...why she got no bf is amazing!
She sooooooooo pretty! i wish i'm a guy. reli. but then...kesian dia dapat matair macam aku.
HAHAHHAHAHH!! i know. i'm talkin shit.
nytes! p.s. AZ!!! Bila nak chill lagi?
Look at how just by tiptoein, he can reach the 2.0 mark. wadda hell?? hahahhaah.. yeah dude! U are part of me already.. *winks*
Hey hey...! Finally get a time to blog. gosh. i'm sooooo tired. not enuff rest since wednesday. darn. I'm working like everyday for reason also i duno. Oh ryte. MONEY. As I've heard fr AZ. the economy is going in a recession so i better secure these two part time jobs i have. :)
I went to catch Titer n Tater's Herbalife session the other day wif Soopy as well. Can't believe i drag him into this. HAHA!! But it was all cool. and well, yeah. i kinda like motivated to take up the product again. I'm sick and tired of lookin sooo dull and dead. :( but its like...i need to invest in $300 a month for quite some time or maybe for the rest of my life. Its like.....unbearable. I'm a foodie. I love tryin new food and all.... i cant live on shakes forever. really. but i wanna look good like titer!!! she looks really glowing!!! loving it! haiyoyoyooy...HOW BABES??? WAT DO U THINK?
in other story, I went to catch High School Musical 3 yesterday and guess wat???SUPER DUPER DAMN BLOODY AWESOME!!!!!!!!! not kidding ya. ITs the best among the 3!!! Gabriella and Troy are sooooo good fer each other!!I cant believe i'm sayin all this either. Am i 24? I duno ey. hahahahaI love it sooooo much that i went home and dl their songs..but tooo bad tak dapat the songs that i want. :(Have to wait fer the soundtrack! hahahha..crazy me.
In another story, I've been bz wif Soopy. My model. willing party oK! i never force him. hahaha.He's been awesome! He said i've influenced him toooo much. hehhehe....sorry dude.Went to catch The Coffin. Saw the trailer when was watchin movie in Thailand and well, get to catch it. Finally. Movie is great as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hero is in it. DUH!!!!!! HE's HOT lah!! though i prefer him in his long hair. awwwww!!!! Soopy was funny. First time i see a guy tengok horror movie like that. But it was cool. He's not afraid to show that side of him. I hate it when guys try to act cool, eksyen tak takut lah...aper lah. With Soopy, its great. I can soooo see him as a great guy friend. really. He's not gay. He's just awesomely shy. I kid u not. truly. He is by far the most shy guy i've ever known. Ryte Mai? Here's sum pics that we took....
Btw, I met him fer lunch today at Beach Road. Had Nasi Ayam n Fondue!!! Then he walked me back to the hotel... so yeah...i wanna go sleep now. nytes!
p.s. Dids, wow....ur gettin braver each tym i meet u. hahahha...!! and more evil. i guess. hahaha. Fish!! Congrats in the new relationship!!! WEEEEE!!! gd fer ya mate!
Revenge is Sweeeet part 2
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Well, finally i guess i can blog bout this.Game master. UR DOOM!!! HAHHHA!!
WEll, its been a week actually. and its kinda stale story.But wadda hell. its fer memories sake!!
The main idea was..the game master brought me to Pump Room with the intention of chillin and listenin to the band playin and apparently she wants to show me the guy she likes.. the guitarist of the band.She was late and i was wif Mai n Az, feelin sooo outta place, lookin at the band playin through the heads of sooo many angmohs and sum wat do u call it?social escorts? oh yeah. Goodness. they think they sooo sexy ar? think they so pretty ar? they do have a mirror in their bag dun they? gosh! sorry2. tak baik say el kutuk2 org. but seriously...joget...masya'allah. i mean. i duno how to dance. And so i dun act as if i know per.. hahahhahh! one of em even shiok sendirik ryte babes? LOL!
And so...there were many others celebratin their birthday and they had to go on stage and all.. and it didnt dawn on me that the game master wud do such a thing. She's not evil the last time i met her. hmmmm.
Aniwaes, we got seats, still waitin fer her..and then she came. With Andy and Prabu (his HOT friend). hahah.. They treated me tequila shot. Coolness! hehehe. and then... the band called my name.: Nurael. Wat the fuck has they got me into? SHIT!!!! i didnt c that comin. shit lar!!! and sooooooooooo....i had to go on stage. and well.......all the angmohs and people there sang me a Bdae song!!!!!!!!! PUNYA LAH MALU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUKS! PANZ!! haiyoyoyoyoyoy!!!!!! the annoyin thing was they didnt believe i am 24! as always. wats new ryte? then there was even a bdae cake whom Az's bf hold it... =) sponsored by Polar. hahahha!! thats sweeet babes!!! but too bad MAI didnt get to be near me... awww...shiann dier... soory babe. =(
things happen sooo fast that i duno wat to feel. but one thing fer sure.. the guy that didi likes actually talked to me..heheheheh. bluek!! hahahahha...
so yeah..that was it. =)
p.s. my bestie tot VODKA RASPBERRY was MOCHA RASPBERRY. Aper cakap? lol.Aniwaes...she cut her hair...and here's sum pics that we camwhored before takin out my dreads...

yeah..thats her wif her new hair... nice ryte?? hehe..too bad lah...takleh pakai muji nya benda!

oh yes! She asked the hairdresser for her hair... dia nak buat dreads untuk aku in the future. LOL!

at marina. background lawa ler!

eleh...macam paham...step jepon. Kang aku sepak kang aru taU!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I took off today tellin my dad i need to go to school to settle some stuphs.
In fact, i do need to do many2 things today.
Thats why i need a day off.
1. Go BBDC to top up my account. Book slots and TP.
2. Go Vivo to get the Pull & Bear Cap. (still contemplating tho whether i should get it or not)
3. Go school to (a) print out notes
(b) meet up Miss Wilson regardin uniform
(c) go to admin side to settle Ez-link issue
4. Meet Mai at 5.30 to go to Suntec (dreads booth)
5. Camwhoring!!!!
6. TAKE OUT DREADS!!!!! my oh mine... *SIGH*
My Bro and me did sum camwhorin on his bdae, 19th Oct.
Just to share, here's sum pics.

Bdae boy turnin 21 and his 3 impt babes in his life. Awwww.

Come on Bro! U've got nothing to flaunt!!!

We don't look alike ryte?

Cover album. Jadi kan?? Lovin this man!

Eh kak! U korek hidong isit??
Mai n me did summore camwhoring too...! But i've got no time to go and upload. Gotto rush!!
I'll do em later aite!! Da da!!
Revenge is Sweeeeeeet!!! part 1
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I'm gonna remember my 24th Birthday celebration my whole life. I don't think any other years of celebration is ever gonna top this one (cept' d 14th celeb that landed me in hospi.HAHA) Gosh!!!! come to think of it...10 years later... wow...how time flies. currently waitin for my darlin to come home.. its gonna rain soon. i hope she makes it in time. goin open houses later. weeeee!!
aniwaes, main purpose is to recap watever that has happened on the 15th Oct and 16th Oct.
Yep. 2 days entry. wanna know why??? Coz the hot babes threw me 2 days of celebration!!! I love them a hell lot. they love me too. i guess. or did they (mai n dd) just wanna seek revenge after wat i did for their bdae. hmmmm..i wonder. AZ, watch out!!! Ur in it too. Don't even think of escaping. Now i have to realli rack my brains so that Az punya can top this of. dammit.
I had to work on the fateful day as no one is able to replace me. :(
But all was well.
I have to thank the followin ppl first for all the well wishes.
1. Faris. First one who texted. heheh..
2. Didi. who was the ultimate game master.
3. Kama. who i will kill if she doesnt rmbr. haha.
4. Iwan. whose bdae was on the 13th. Got him sth sooo nice that i wished i had bought it fer myself too. :)
5. Ishar. whom i was super surprised that he rmrbd!!!super long time say tak talk. say 8 months ader.
6. Syafiq. D ex. who sang me a bdae song. thanks love!
7. T.Kemp. whom i know will never forget TnTs birthdays. *hugs*
8. Zariney. whom i reli didnt expect her to save my bdae. She sang me a birthday song and i cried. wow! i didnt know why. relli!!! thanks Zaza!!!
9. Syed. our friendship is over with his wish apparently.
10. T.Brie. I love u too titer... sorry i tersalah ur date. hehe. 8th oct. roger that!thanks!
11. Niza. who's bdae i can't seem to rmbr. shit me. when ar? remind me to save in my calendar!!
12. Hidayah. D ex's sister whose bdae is tomoro.planned for us to meet at Vivo City.
13. Chelsea. 4th Oct. I wonder wat she is gettin for me after gettin her that primer mascara fr shue ure mura...is that how u spell it? hahaah!
14. CT. never miss her bdae too coz she's on the 14th.
15. My Dearest aunty Jana. She's the only family member(outside my immediate family)that rmbrs my bdae. :)
So there u have it. I'm not braggin.. just fyi aite. I reli wanna thank these ppl who bothered to rmbr 15th Oct. Thanks again!! Maybe the numbers might decrease as the years go by. :(
So...lemme start. I know u babes know wat happened. So u don't have to read aite. hahahha...
The period had to come that day!!! and yeah. as usual. Hang loose me. hahahhaa..
I had to buy undies and wait for Az to bring in the pad. Bloody Hell!! =)
So....Game master planned to meet up at Vivo City.
Bdae girl was the first to reach apparently. Besides than mai who claims she was there on time as well. *bluek*
Had to wait for Didi n Az. So i dropped by Adidas where Syafiq was workin and yeah. Chatted with him. and i soooo want the Adidas watch after losing the fav watch. :( but well, he just say only lah he'll get it for me. Pigs will fly man if he gets me that watch! seriously.
And then mai came and we camwhore a bit at the sofa with my fav cushion!!! Buat macam rumah sendirik sakz!!

Babe, sorry. Gambar kau hilang sazk!! shit!!!Aniwaes..we did more camwhorin when Dids and Az joined before heading to Siah Im for lunch. I was starving!!! Oh yah. They gave me the bdae pressie by then. Fr Pull & Bear. Thanks babes!! the babes
layankan bdae gal. Lompat2 mcm org giler...while she take photo...here's the best one tho. hahahaha..

The one wer Az realli jump blur giler lah. i really have to read up on my cam functions!!!
Then. while eatin. I treated them fruit juices which are soooo nice that we abandoned our first batch of drinks!!! Here's a pic!

And then the ex wtd to meet me again. So, the gals were super understandin enuff that they jalan2 while i layan him fer a while. He asked bout my ringworms. Thank u baby for the concern.

After that, we decided to head down to Arab Street,
Amiran's Grill. Is that the place? ahahha...i duno say wats the spelling. The place is super comfy, the service is extremely marvellous. The guy, Chris was sooooo nice to let us have seesha indoors. and then...wats great was the small cozy place we chill, tak yah bayar. Food was great as well... and we watched Maid of Honour. I meant them. hahaha... I, the Bdae Lady... was bz
seesha-ing till i got extremely high and....and... hahhahah...
i spilled my guts out..lyk was Az said in her blog. am not plagiarising here ey? LOL. LOL. LOL. we camwhored more after that doin nonsensical pose at the staircase. hhahah..







In the last pic, Thats Chris in green. He's so sweeet that the babes say "diorang shiok kat kau." nonsense. as always. and the other guy was the one who made the seesha for us. They like my hair. I love my hair. But too bad i'm gonna get them off next week!!!! annoyin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dun wanna go skool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we ended the first night celebration with this pic. BAT MOBILE IS AWESOME!!!

I went home thinkin that well... here's to 15th Oct. But hey....didnt expect more were coming!!! Seriously. My bro n mum bought me a bdae bdae cake. Surprised me is the word. Swensen's ice cream cake is a must every 15th October. Hehehehe. So, thank you Umi, Abah, adik n adik.



part two comin up!!! I'm late. gotto siap. Mai is comin home liao. 6.30. shit. i promised her 6. late as always. darn!!!
p.s. b4 that, for the King, here's ur pic!

I think this is pretty marvellous!! enjoy!!!
Bakir. wat a name!
Monday, October 13, 2008

He's just so... annoyingly cool.
Guess who he is up there!!!